About WLPB
"...and all those in authority"
The Wheaton Leadership Prayer Breakfast, Inc., is an Illinois Not For Profit Corporation founded in 1986 as an initiative by local banker, Bill Davis and Wheaton College Communications Director, Dick Gerig, as well as friends in government and business in Wheaton. Its purpose is to bring together City of Wheaton businessmen and women, and civic leaders, in order to pray for our leadership.
Biblical Foundation:
The WLPB is founded upon the Christian faith, with particular attention to the following two areas of scripture: Romans Chapter 13, Verses 1 through 7, which provides that there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been ordained of God; as well as I Timothy 2:1-2, which instructs us to "Pray for all that are in authority."
The WLPB exists to promote awareness of the spiritual dimension of civic leadership, and assist civic leaders in and around Wheaton, Illinois, in recognizing that leadership is ordained of God and that guidance for leaders is provided by God.
Wheaton Leadership Prayer Breakfast Committee Members
Eric Enstrom (Treasurer)
Christine Fenne
Barbara Kohout
Bunny Mirrilees
Scott Pointner
Andrew Schmidt
Dale Showalter (Chairman)
Grant Stenzel
Wil Triggs (Secretary)
Angulus Wilson
Remembering Our Dear Friend and Dedicated WLPB Co-Chairman and Treasurer
Pastor Devin L. Leftwich
March 18, 1971 - August 22, 2022